CBD For Cats

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CBD Oil has been known for its ability to help animals as a natural treatment for their health issues. Research studies have consistently shown the plant’s positive impact on inflammation and other ailments. It is important to note that the emergence of new research related to the benefits of CBD on animals. “Holistic veterinarians are using it to treat a variety of ailments, including inflammation, anxiety and pain” confirmed by a veterinarian at Burlington Emergency Veterinary Specialists in Williston, Vermont.  

Is CBD Safe for Cats?

It is important to note that the cannabis species have both male and female parts that has a very different chemical compound make up. While both plant types are still considered to be variations of the cannabis species, the differences in their chemical make up can have very different effects on the body. The marijuana plant (female) is known to have a higher THC content ranging from 5%-35% of its chemical make up, with a lower CBD content. On average, a batch of marijuana contains anywhere from 5%-20% THC content while some premium grades will contain 25%-30% THC. Comparatively, in order for the hemp plant to remain legal in Canada, it must be below the maximum THC level of 0.3%, this percentage guarantees that there is no chance that a human being could get high. CBD derived from the hemp plant is safe for Cats as well as Dogs. When sourcing CBD it is important to educate yourself on where it is supplied, how it is extracted as well as the type of CBD it is.

What are the benefits of CBD for cats?

CBD can potentially treat several different health issues including the following:

  • Aggression
  • Anxiety
  • Infections
  • Loss of appetite
  • Loss of energy
  • Inflammation
  • Joint pain
  • Allergies
  • Seizures
  • Tumours
  • Cancer

It is important you consult your veterinary doctor before taking CBD, although CBD has many health benefits it is important to consider whether or not CBD is safe for your cat’s health condition. All in all, by alleviating issues that are possibly at the root of the issue, such as health issues, stress, and anxiety, CBD can help improve your cat’s mood-related disorders as well as symptoms related to other health issues.

What is the best CBD oil dosage for Cats?

When discovering the appropriate dose for pets we recommend that you start off with a lower dose while gradually increasing to the dose being recommended. The suggested starting dose is approximately 1 mg – 5 mg per 10 lbs. of body weight. For cats, it is recommended to start with 1–5 mg to test the response to oil.

In addition to this, when deciding the appropriate dose for your cat there are a few variables you should consider:

Body Weight:
The weight of the subject is very important. An individual who weighs 230lbs absorbing 15mg will be impacted differently than a subject that weighs 100lbs. This variable suggests that heavier subjects require a higher CBD intake. 

When ingesting CBD sublingually using an oil tincture. It is important to understand how much CBD is contained per 1ml of the tincture. This ratio will help you gauge a suitable intake for your health needs. 

Desired Effects:
When taking CBD it is important to evaluate the health benefits that you are looking to receive. An individual who is suffering from pain caused by Alzheimer’s will require a different amount of CBD than an individual who is seeking improved focus at work. Serious health challenges will require a higher potency than less demanding health challenges. 

The Conclusion

CBD is safe for Cats when sourced by premium manufacturers. In addition,  It is important to administer CBD properly in order to get the full benefit of the product. When giving your pet CBD oil it is best to measure out the appropriate dose on to a spoon and having your pet consume the oil on its own. If your pet prefers to have the oil mixed with treats, add a treat to the spoon using the same strategy.

When starting to introduce CBD to your pet’s diet, start with a range of 1mg to 5mg to test how your pet responds to the oil before gauging your cat’s full dosage.

While CBD has the potential to yield many positive side effects; the emergence of new research still remains in its infancy stages. New research suggests that CBD presents a strong holistic approach to several health ailments.

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