CBD For Addiction

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Cannabidiol otherwise known as CBD has been studied to interact with serotonin and glutamate neurotransmitters in the brain that balance drug reward and stress vulnerability and anxiety relative to addictive behaviour. Considering its natural non-intoxicating properties, it has a high safety profile and is generally well tolerated to dose on a daily basis in the withdrawal phase of addiction and into successfully managing and preventing relapse.

Relevant Addictions Include:

Nicotine Addiction

Addictive Behaviours Journal published a pilot study through The Clinical Psychopharmacology Unit at the University College London in 2013 that associated preliminary findings on cannabidiol related addiction treatments. Although this application was via an inhaler, the success of Organic CBD as a treatment into nicotine addiction proved 40% less cigarettes smoked within the week long trial that included two dozen participants when supplementing that craving with dosages of CBD.

Alcohol Addiction

Pharmacology Biochemistry and Behaviour Journal conducted a study in 2013 that outlined not only the recovery of neurotoxicity surrounding alcoholism but also the factors that contribute to the behavioural and cognitive factors that persist the addiction itself. Although the method of application was transdermal and intraperitoneal, the biological feasibility remains consistent with CBD being a potential therapy to consider within the framework of the many phases of alcohol addiction including cognitive and physiological damage.

Opioid Addiction

Neurotherapeutics released a study through both the Departments of Psychiatry and Division of Medical Toxicity of the Ichan School of Medicine at Mount Sinai for opioid relapse. Hemp CBD was presented to not only inhibit drug-seeking behaviour with a limited abuse potential but also offers relief through its anxiolytic actions on the Central Nervous System. As any cycle of addiction has many variable to be addressed, preclinical examination of cannabidiol shows promising action as a non-intoxicating alternative to slow and potentially reverse the North American opiate crisis.

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